Saturday 8 September 2012

Flashing and Tragging

Saturday September 1'2012

I just got flashed by a 6 year old boy. And not while stopped in traffic like usual. No, this was in the comfort of my own home. He ran into the room, ripped off his towel, shook his teeny weeny  then away he went, grinning from ear to ear. Meet Yve. Raj's youngest son and my fifth limb. Raj has finally been given custody of this little nudist after not seeing him for 4 whole years. This all happened last Wednesday, which was easily the happiest day to date in the Sharma household. And since Wednesday, it's been hard to be seen without little Yve joined at my hip. Pretty confident my little buddy has a crush on me. Case in point: Just the other day he says to me, "Jelsea, I want to tell you something to your ear... I LOVE YOU MISS YOU" Then there's the kisses (regular, eskimo, and butterfly), and the always wanting to cuddle in my bed (He likes to lay on top of me... this boy is going to be trouble), waiting outside my door for me to come out in the morning (this routine began only after I explained to him that if the door is locked, it isn't wise to try to break it down in order to get in). He's even met my mother. He walked in to my room once when we were skyping and had quite the conversation with her. Now ever since, he asks daily, without fail, if I will be talking to my mom today. And then there was the bathing suit. As you all know, I spend almost every day sunbathing on the terrace. The first day it was sunny enough to do so again, I donned my suit out I went. Yve saw me and said "WHOAAAAA!" And again, came his giant grin, much like the one he crafted when flashing me. Now it's, "Are you going to put your suit on today?" 
He is pretty cute, not gonna lie. For a girl who generally dislikes children, admitting this is a big step for me. He's definitely weaselled his way into my heart, clothes or no clothes (there have been several more pantless encounters following the first. The boy just doesn't care for pants)But it makes me very happy to see Raj happy. And he does bring some craziness and excitement into this house. For once, a positive change. This kind of change I welcome.

Here's where I am perplexed. While sitting in my auto teacup, stuck in traffic, glaring at the auto driver for glaring at me instead of focusing on the road (every time, every bloody time this happens) I was suddenly distracted by a new form of beggar weaving through idling vehicles. I am used to seeing men with cheap toys, naked babies with sad faces, aggressive women holding naked babies with sad faces, but this was something new, and quite outrageous. Transvestites. Indian transvestites. Men dressed in saris and kirtis, makeup clad, and wig adorned, strutting circles around cars, seductively begging for money. Trannies in India. Who knew? I call it Tragging. Tranny begging. 
Why am I even surprised? It's India. 

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