Friday 17 August 2012

Monkeys are Assholes

Monday August 6'2012

I ran into someone I knew on the street today, dirt road, whatever. Granted it was Dingy and her friend Salena Gomez (the most recent addition to the Sharma residence) and we were only like 3 blocks from home but still, it counts. And it was nice. I had a pretty lame day, missing home a lot, so it was nice to see a familiar face in a crowd of strange and invasive ones. It made me feel at home. Like proof that I temporarily belong in this city. This made me think of home, made me think of Granville St. Where it is almost impossible to walk down without bumping into someone you know. There is a specific block on Granville that always comes to mind when I'm day dreaming nostalgically. Between broadway and 10th. On the side with Chapters and Bank of Montreal. Then following around the corner to Cactus Club and eventually Soups etc (Jason's and my favourite cafe... which has now been shut down, RIP) I don't know why this area in particular has such continuity in my mind but it's comforting. It's home. And in my mind it is always raining on that corner block, and I love it. I appreciate it. It's Vancouver. 

Thursday Aug 9'2012

Today I ate an entire loaf of bread to myself. Granted it only cost me thirty cents but none the less, a whole loaf. In less than 24 hours. It was white. Shit. If only the slices were hugging a perfectly concocted variety of salami, havarti, avocado,  tomato, lettuce, mustard, and herb and garlic cream cheese. And a pickle on the side. Although butter was sufficient at the time. I have become obsessed with toast and butter as of late. It could only be because that is all I trust to put inside my body right now, but the taste of bread that is just toasted enough that the butter melts and makes the middle soggy while still leaving a crispy edge, divine. It's the closest thing to home right now. Well that and my cadbury chocolate bars. Last night I couldn't sleep so I looked up dinner recipes on my Food Network App. The Food Network App to me, is like 50 Shades of Grey to the average female, which I happen to be reading right now and quite honestly is not nearly turning me on as much as say Shrimp and Pork Tacos with Tomato Salsa and Creamed Avocado... Needless to say I drooled myself to sleep. When I woke up the next day I skyped my Dad and requested a list of food I would appreciate upon my return home, mostly revolving around a BBQ and dead animal carcass. Steak, hamburgers, hotdogs, all wrapped in bacon, smothered in chunky beef chilli. And a pickle on the side. Or a jar. Yes a jar of pickles on the side. 

Shotgun and I have formed a strange but special bond. He's always laughing at me and I'm not sure if it's "with me" or "at the crazy little white girl running around in a bikini". He mimics me all the time. I say thank you, he says thank you, in a squeeky high pitched voice then giggles uncontrollably. yes giggles. I would like to assume that this is our "thing" and we're both equally in on it, and it's not just pick on Chelsea then laugh about it. So I always laugh back just to prove it's a two way street. Then I will get in a threatening stance, make fists and fake out a few jabs to his shoulder and gut. He always puts his dukes up and chuckles, showing off his semi tooth goofy smile. Ya, it's our thing. 
Mahabali even said good morning to me today! He usually just nods at everything I say. It only took a month but our relationship too, has flourished. We have grown from, "Chai?" "Chai." to "Good morning" "Morning" "Chai?" "Chai". Marvellous.
And AJ? Well AJ seems to think I have miraculously become fluent in Hindi over night because he now has full on conversations with me. I have no idea idea what you're saying. You play baseball? You swept the roof? You want me to go to the roof? There's gonna be a meteor shower? You like swings? Nope, no idea. All I can do is pat him on the back and walk away. Sorry dude, I did all I could. 
I'm going to miss the stooges. Mahabali even makes me extra roti every night , and he tells me too, with such pride and excitement. Three! Three! He holds up three fingers and points to the container on the kitchen counter. Mahabali will you come home with me? He nods. He would nod if I asked him to go to the moon with me, but regardless he agreed. Remember this if I am charged with kidnapping on the way through customs....

Saturday Aug 11'2012

I just made chai! All by myself! Well that is a lie, Akshee helped a little. Another lie, Akshee basically did everything. But I took notes! And I added the sugar and tea leaves and milk! And I strained it into the jug. So there. I made chai. And it was good. Now I can make it at home, which basically means the best part about India is coming home with me. Well the best would be if Mahabali came home with me and made chai but you take what you can get. 

Sunday Aug 12'2012

I just saw a monkey sitting in front of a doctor's office eating from a bag of cheesy puffs. We both stop and look at each other, his little hand frozen in the bag, his eyes fixed on mine. Keeping his glare, he slowly removes his hand from the bag and pushes a puffed ball of cheese into his mouth. His face saying, What the fuck are you looking at? As if it's less weird to see a monkey snacking on trans fats than it is to see a white girl in India. He's probably right. Even the monkeys know I am out of place. 

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