Friday 6 July 2012

In the beginning...

Greetings From Delhi

Family and friends,
After spending the last 24 hours writing about my adventures in a measly journal, I've decided to step up my game, get with technology and god forbid... blog. This way I can not only note my experiences but can have everyone read about them and make me feel special and well famous. 

I shall begin by sharing with you my journal entries, from getting on the plane to my first night in Delhi (be warned, this chapter of my blog was written during 24 hours of traveling. It will most likely be boring):


(before I begin, I apologize for the numerous spelling errors that are sure to occur on this page, I blame the culture change, already I am confused with english and hindu. This is a lie, I just suck a spelling)

I digress

(The power just went out! Raj says, welcome to India. This is going to be fun!!!!)


Wednesday July4th

It's 1:04 and my journey has finally begun. To India I go- hour one of a 13 hour flight to China (I land in a place called Guangzhou) Thankfully, karma has smiled upon me and the airline overbooked the flight, which means little miss Beamish is writing this entry whilst sitting in premium economy! Foot rests, reclining chairs (which are practically big enough to seat two people). I am constantly being surprised and delighted on this side of the notorious grey curtain. The fine chinese gentleman sitting next to me by the name of Nelson, offered up his window seat so to not "disturb" me during flight. Excellent. Thank you kindly Nelson. Then as I settle in and scan the room, concerned with the lack of TV screens hanging from the ceiling, Nelson is kind enough to show me that the giant arm rest doubles as a secret portal for your own personal television (clearly he has caught on that I am a premium economy virgin and takes pity on my lack of knowledge). He seems to also find entertainment in my incredible excitement over the fact that headphones are complimentary, along with a tote bag of toiletries! 13 hour flight? No big deal. Although it's strange to be on a flight from Vancouver and have absolutely no idea what the stewardess is saying, nor anything over the speakers. But they always manage to say thank you in english at the end of everything they say. Thank you for listening to me talk about potentially important information in a completely foreign tongue only to translate the last two words. Thank you.

1:26 pm
I just read my mom's card she left with me. KIT! (keep it together- kit ramsey, bowfinger, solid movie) Words I will most likely resort to a lot over the next little while. Way to make me almost cry on a plane mom. Almost. Almost cry.

toothbrush, socks, eye mask, the smallest tube of toothpaste I've ever seen, ear plugs, a foldable comb, and a whole lot of lovin. 

I smell Chinese food!

This is crazy, there's a pull out table that comes out of the other armrest. Too much.

I hr 45 mins down and I've pretty much exhausted all ways to keep me occupied. Good lord if it wasn't for Nelson I wouldn't understand half of these high class gadgets. 
Turns out I didn't smell chinese food. How did I mistake such an amazing smell for the less than appealing micro-beef I was given? "chicken and rice or beef and potato?" Beef and potato was a failure but I obviously ate it anyway. I can officially say I've eaten plane food... plain food. Just one of a million things I'll be able to come home and brag about. Nelson is eating potato chips, son of a bitch.

Over half way there, 5.5 hours to go! Dinner #2 was just served. "Chicken and potato or beef and noodle?" Nelson and I both take the beef and noodle. He makes a crack about how they're just mixing them around "Next time it'll be chicken and noodle, or rice and potato" He laughs. Quite the sense of humour this one. We talked a lot. Nelson is from Hong Kong. His wife of 1.5 years is from China. Her name is Carol. Carol doesn't like to fly. He was in Vancouver on business for a month (works with manufacturing... that's all he'd say... hmmm) thought it was just ok, "Not enough cinemas". He used to live in England, which I could tell by his very bizarre accent, Mr Bean meats Jackie Chan. He went to a boarding school for highschool and university (by choice) he wanted the life of boarding school, surrounded by the same people all the time. This is where he met Carol almost 10 years ago. They were freshmen together and dated on and off since. The way he described this school sounded straight out of a novel, endless open fields in the country surrounded by forests, at least 20 mins away from any town. I could see why a boy from Hong Kong would dream of such a place. Nelson is an only child. Apparently this is common since Hong Kong has a one child limit. Anymore and you are "heavily fined" (and something else happens but I couldn't understand his bean/chan talk so I just faked a shocked reaction). He told me all about a traditional chinese wedding where the bride and groom serve both sides of parents tea on their knees, the bride wears a red dress, and to Nelson, a guest list of 200 is small... (Jason take note of this)
Speaking of which, according to Nelson, Jason and my age difference falls just into acceptable in China. "They have a saying, 7 years for the boy to be older, one year for the woman" which I guess we are technically 7.5 years so we lose. 
I've tried to sleep as much as possible but it just fucking sucks balls. I woke up at one point and Nelson kindly requested that I put my seatbelt on as he imagined there'd be turbulence soon. Oddly enough, not even 3 minutes later we were shaking. If this carries on, travelling "alone" will be a breeze. Let's just hope I find a "Nelson" in Delhi, cuz if I'm struggling to navigate my way through a 2nd class chair on an airplane, god help me when I land.

Just under 4 hours to go. It's very hard for me to wrap my brain around the fact that I've literally been sitting for over 9 hours. I've spent an entire day in a chair in the sky. It is strange that I haven't talked to Jay all day, nor will I until tomorrow, possibly later (which isn't really tomorrow to me but 4 am in the morning) so confusing. I just finished reading my woman's guide to travelling India alone book. Pretty sure I'm going to be mistaken for a hooker and like always, I've packed wayyy too much. Well done. 
Side note: Nelson is watching Snow White next to me on his Ipad. And not even the Charlize Theron one. Julia Roberts one. Atta boy Nelson. 
So with 4 hours left to go and an additional three on another plane (which I doubt I'll be blessed with the luxuries of my current) I have read my entire book, can't for the life of me understand how to work the TV other than watching the same Gerard Butler film on repeat, have a tummy ache from my fruit gummies, and I think my pen is dying. KIT
My in flight guardian angel aka Nelson keeps reminding me to walk around and stretch out my dancer muscles. I get excited to see what kind of junk food he pulls out of his bag by the hour. Gingerale, coke (in addition to the 2 glasses from the stewardess) instant noodles, sour cream and onion chips, chocolate bar... salt and vinegar chips... oh and I gave his some of my fruit gummies to further my good karma potential. 

Annnd I'm just pissed off. There has got to be a better means of transportation across the world. At hour 12 I am almost sure I was put on this earth to invent a human transporter that zaps you up into little pieces then instantly puts you back together in India, or wherever. It's not impossible. I wish I was asleep right now. Well if we're wishing for things, I wish Jason was sitting next to me, no offence Nelly. I have some serious cabin fever. And I'm itchy. And swollen. So is Nelson. He says his feet feel like they are going to explode. I hear ya buddy. 

2:57am (5:57pm China time)
My plane has been delayed so I am sitting at a cafe in the airport. Tried to get wifi but I suck. Nelson made sure I got to my gate before he went on his way. We exchanged information incase him and his wife ever return to Vancouver and would like some dance lessons. The flight descending into China was so surreal. I've flown millions of times but have never seen clouds like I did today... this morning... whatever. It was like flying through bath bubbles. So cool. Nelson laughed when I said that, he did not see them that way. The man must have never taken a bubble bath before, clearly. Cuz I'm right. The minute you get off the plane you can hardly breathe. So humid and thick. This airport is lame and small. I passed by this cafe trying to find somewhere with food so to live out Jason's authentic chinese food fantasy. The waitress told me to "sit down now please" as I passed by so I obviously had no choice in the matter. Almost instantly they want my order, what the! (if you know me at all you know it takes me an hour just to decide on food at cactus club let alone a chinese cafe) I get a taiwan milk tea (iced- you'd have to be a mad man to order anything hot here) and tried to order fried dumplings, but was told I don't want those, I want these and she pointed to something on a completely different page. Sure. Thank god they were still dumplings- DELICIOUS! before the waitress leaves she asks what I am, Russian? Canadian. She pokes my cheek and smiles, jokes about my dimples.
Russian, Ha!

Friday July 6'2012
3:45am (3:15pm at home)

I should be exhausted but I don't want to go to sleep. The men who own the guest house, Raj and Eddie, are amazing. This place is everything I could ask for and then some (minus toilet paper)I finally got to talk to Jay, he was asleep though. Raj and Eddie are brothers. Their father built this building that they grew up in and then turned into an all womens guest house. Raj lived in Toronto for 15 years and his children (13 and 14) live there now with Raj's mother. Eddie's daughter lives there too, Eddie visits every year but has always lived here in Delhi. They are excited to have a Canadian stay with them. Because Arijeet (business manager of Danceworx and an adorably kind man) booked me in late, I am staying with Raj and Eddie on the 2nd floor (their home). I have a private room, private bathroom, mini fridge, tv, wifi, and my own super cute closet! We talked for hours about family, Canada, dance, and their newly found pet parrot who lives in a cage on the floor. They found him a few days ago in the alley practically dead. He's now a feisty little bugger who they have allowed me to name Iago (even though Raj's daughter wants to name him Rocky. She's in Toronto, I'm here, I win) Eddie cut me up a mango and they laughed at me eating it and then downed it with Pepsi. I am overwhelmed with offers of Pepsi. (cristina, its not coke but you were dead on)I unpacked a little but got lazy. I think I could really feel at home here :)

I've been awake on and off all night/morning. I probably slept 3-4 hours tops. I keep trying to fall back to sleep but it's impossible. Pretty sure the housekeepers threw out my "toilet paper". Not cool. Need to ration that shit. At 9:30 I left my room for water, this 4 foot indian man (I assume housekeeper/tissue thief) was in the kitchen. He right away got me water before I even had the chance to ask where the glasses were. My My! Doesn't speak english very well I don't think. I tried to introduce myself and he just nodded. I also tried to ask for a towel to clean my melting fridge water... no go. Alright back to the bedroom. 
Horns and yelling is all I hear from outside. Lots of horns and yelling. My windows are too thick to see through so I can only imagine what awaits me outside. I'll try to sleep one more time and if that fails, away I go I suppose. Let the adventure begin!

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